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What Causes Hair Loss and What Supplement Will Stop it?

Thinning hair refers to minor to moderate hair loss

Unlike widespread hair loss, thinning hair doesnt necessarily cause baldness. It does, however, give the appearance of thinner spots of hair on your head. This problem is common in both sexes but is also seen in a higher incidence in males.

One of the major causes of hair loss is hormones. Hormones in the blood then mix and activate to give you what you see on your head. These hormones can get confused and mix with other ones and the result is thin hair. The hormones that give you your hair colour also get mixed and react with one another and give you the grey look.

It’s said that there are three categories of hormones that cause hair loss

In the former category are testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and estrogen. It is, however, observed that there is no significant number of baldness in these groups of hormones. What it will give you is a combination of more hairs on your head when you were younger. This is a result of the hormones which were being secreted before you got bald. These will give you more hair in the same area as in the past.

This problem is not seen in your mid-twenties and for every year that passes, the number of hairs on your head decreases. This is a biological phenomenon and cannot be reversed. Though your mid-twenties are considered the most aggressive time for thinning hair, you should not fret as you may still have time to avoid going bald.

There is a group of hormones in your blood called DHT

This hormone causes you to lose hair but is not the cause of baldness. The DHT is a group of hormones which are responsible for keeping the hair follicles nourished and ready to produce new hair. The problem is when the DHT interacts with the receptors of those hormones, alopecia ensues. If you want to stop the DHT from getting in the way of new hair production, you can take a supplement that blocks the interaction of the DHT with the receptors of those hormones.

There are other supplements that will help you to combat hair loss

There are supplements that contain saw palmetto, magnesium, zinc, nettle root and green tea. When you go out in the market, look for those supplements which have these ingredients. You can take them as a supplement to your diet. Taking a multivitamin which contains vitamin B complex and zinc will also help you to fight the loss.

Thinning Hair Treatment – Female Hair Loss

Thinning hair refers to minor to moderate hair loss. Thinning hair doesnt necessarily cause baldness. It does, however, give the appearance of thinner spots of hair on your head. This will surely enhance your appearance. When your hair is thin, it might give the impression that you have a lack of enthusiasm for your appearance. Let’s look at this problem from every angle.

What Causes Hair to Thinning?

Thinning hair usually happens because of an adverse change in the hormones. Usually, the male hormone androgen or female hormone estrogen is the one to be blamed for thinning hair. In men, androgen causes the loss of hair. This is because in case of a buildup of androgen, it is a hormone that is responsible for masculinity and vigor.

The other hormone that causes thinning hair in women is estrogen. The hormonal activity of estrogen causes her hair to thin when it accumulates in her head as well. Her hair loss starts as a spot of hair that appears larger than usual, but will usually be permanent. When estrogen and androgen work together, it leads to loss of hair in women.

How to Treat the Thinning Hair?

The most reliable way to deal with hair loss that occurs because of imbalance in hormones, is to tackle the imbalance itself. This can be done by taking drugs like Minoxidil. This is the one FDA approved drug that is used to promote growth. While this drug does help reduce the loss of hair, it will not make your hair grow back.

Minoxidil also has some bad side effects like scalp irritation and an increase in shed hairs. However, in cases where there are no other treatments, it is the one most recommended.

Another drug that has shown to be successful is Finasteride. The only thing it does is to stop the loss of hair. It will usually have some bad side effects too, but is not very commonly prescribed. Still, women who use it often seem to be satisfied with the results of it.

How can I stop my hair loss?

This is an extremely common question, and it may have a few ways to help you. You should take note though that not all of them may work for you, and this is because there are different factors which cause this.

Can you grow back thinning hair?

There are many causes of hair loss such as hormonal changes, heredity, stress and dietary habits. In the case of loss of hair, the hair usually grows in a cycle. The hair growth starts at the base of the hair and eventually the hair comes out. It may start becoming thinner and thinner and finally it could break.

How can I fix my permanent hair loss?

There are several options when it comes to fix it. I would first of all want to point out that there is a huge difference between permanent and temporary hair loss.

What can cause hair loss in females?

The most common cause of loss of hair in women is hereditary. There is a gene that causes the baldness, it is passed down from generation to generation. It is a dominant gene and if you are one of the females that have it you have a high chance of passing it on to your children.

Is hair loss a sign of stress?

Are you experiencing any kind of loss of hair? This might be a very stressful thing to experience and is one of the main reasons for this condition in which people experience in the present day. It can be even more traumatic when you are the one responsible for the condition. It may be hard to handle, but there are many ways to handle this condition. The first and foremost way is to go for the other treatment. These can be found all around the market.

Visit our web site to see more about hair loss and ways of treatment:

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